Sunday, March 7, 2010

750 words

writing 750 words, each and every day, regardless of the quality of the content. Honestly, if I did this according to the rules I wouldn't even be doing punctuation and captitals, but whatever. Maybe I should get used to judging post lengths so I don't go too far over, even though I am entirely and 100% sure that I wouldn't give a shit either way. Come to think of it, I don't even think this post would last all that long, but whatevs. oh, I didn't explain it the rules. Write 750 words a day, to get into the habit. This blog is going to be more random than the other one, and the other one is really random. Also, I should do this in some sort of paragraph format. Oh well. I honestly don't expect anyone to read this, this is, again, just to get me into the habit, as my other blog doesn't have that many posts on it, and honestly, I'm pretty suer this is going to be shit. Well, to be honest, my other blog is pretty shit anyway, but it's going to be marginally less shitty than this. Stop saying shit! shit. So far, 194, not even close. So, I better talk about what happens daily, otherwise I'd run out of shit to talk about pretty quick. I saw the sunset. It was pretty. I wandered around, it' was okay. I like this time of year,it's my favourite time of year. You get the cool breeze and everything. All this seems to be pretty damn inane, but whatever, that's the point, get into the habit. I've said that three times. No, I'm not just tryin to soak up the word count by remarking on my remarks and then remarking further on THOSE remarks. Also, stream of conciousness, don't tihnk I've said that. At the very least, I'm pretty sure most of this is grammatically proper, but I've got no real clue. It might not be. It might be an enormous crime against humantity and nature and such. Oh well, thems the breaks. See? Terrible grammar. 347 words, halfway there. I have no clue how I'm going to do this again tomorrow. but I must. well, not must, but you know what I mean. I should, if I want to get into the habit of writing. I don't even think I'm that great at it, not really. can't plot for shit. can't characterise for shit. but I do like playing with words, and with ideas and with the ideas of words, so I might as well start. I'm going ot be honest again, i spend a ton of time just rearranging words in my head until I find a fun combination. Actually, it might just be whenever I have a free moment to think for myself. I should put it somewhere. barely moved it at all. Oh, and this is probably going on the fora, you probably all don't care, cause it's poorly written and all wall of texty. honestly, I would be shocked if any of you read it. Actually, no, not true, I'm sure someone will be so bored that they'll read the whole thing. wait, no, what about that one time in general when that guy had a secret message inside but then most of the people just kind of skipped it. actually, that was eventually caught, so it'd be good evidence for at least someone reading it. Though, this is faid, less of a reader base, but then again, more insane readers here. and, also, this has been pretty shit, so far, so really there shouldn't be anyone reading this sentence here. I should drop a secret message or something for whoever gets this far, but I can't really think of anything. I was thinking something like "I love you" but that's not even true, cause I can't be sure who's reading this. come to think of it, I don't even think I would say that to anyone on the fora. what the hell happened? I used to be super excited about knowing all of you, but now I'm not. I just have a vague apathy. Actually, that's not even true. I wasn't even excited about knowing you guys, I was just burning my time reading posts that were mildly interesting. I really don't know anything about you guys, I've got no real connection to any of you. Seriously, if any of you guys considered me your friend, I'd be shocked. we're acquaintances at best, barely even that. I've got the vaguest connection to FaiD as a whole, but other than that... Maybe I should start saying hi to specific people, PMing them and such, but I'm much to scared. of what, I don't know. Maybe I should go the "faux omegle" route and randomly add people's MSNs and AIMs and... other chat protocols. 808 I'm done. Maybe I should have been less transparent with my lack of enthusiasm. I mean, sure I got this far, but will I get this far every night? maybe. I shouldn't do the whole word count every once and a while thing anyway, just see how far I can get and then count afterwards

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