Friday, March 12, 2010


Okay, so I kind of maybe sorta skipped yesterday. I have no excuse, save that I was tired, and not in the mood. Which, honestly, kind of fucks up the entire point of this, which is to write no matter what. Oh well. I've really got nothing in particular to say. I'm just... tired. for no particular reason. I woke up today and my joints and muscles ached in that weird way you do if you've excercised the shit out of them the day before, but I didn't. I slept for like... 10ish hours without meaning to. Maybe there's something off with my diet. So yes, boring boring post, I've got really nothing to talk about. You can tell, cause I'm only 120ish words in, and I'm already checking the word count to see if it's close to finishing, even though I know it isn't. I even had a whole bunch of weird semi-thought out plans and topics of things to say, but now I just feel weird and tired and not really like writing, even thought I'm doing it anyway. I'm writing things, but not what I want to write. Even though the entire point of this is practice and fun and stuff. Even though i didn't write at all yesterday, and didn't write anything in particular today. Maybe I'll feel better later, it's morning now. I should probably make up for yesterday by doing like 1500 words. I might. I might not. I might give up this whole thing. I shouldn't have said that, it's like the first in the long line of things to say when I'm giving up. I don't particularly want to give up, I know I'm on and off day. But my next off day I'm going to say something like "I'm definitely giving up" and then I'll be okay for a little while, and then my next next off day I'll be like, bye, and then just leave. So yeah. Halfway through, and said nothing. Even my dreams were kind of off. I was halfway through it when sort of in the back of my head I was thinking, "this seems kind of familiar" and then I suddenly realized I had this exact same dream a few months before. I don't remember exactly when, but I did. I was like, some sort of commander or president of some sort. No, I was a vice president, I remember cause there was an actual president there. Anyways we were like an alien race or something and we had to surrender cause we were losing a war and we had this long discussion on "fighting an honorable war" or something like that. God this is boring. It's been like half an hour and Ive done so few words. Also, I'm vaguely annoyed. I had this great idea for a story and I kind of forgot it. I thought of it lying on my bed last night, and thought, "I should write this down". But I didn't. even though I had a pad of paper like right next to me. And even though I didn't, I remembered it when I woke up. I was thinking "wow, that's great. I remembered it. I should write it down NOW." but I didn't. but somehow, I dropped it in the like 5 minutes between getting up and brushing my teeth and walking over to the computer. Actually, I can pinpoint the exact moment. I was reaching into the cabinet for my toothrbrush and I pulled it out and I thought "I should change my toothbrush, this one is getting kinda gross" and then it just disappeared. holy shit 600 words. I am totally out of it, this has seemed to have taken so long. Like a marathon where you run for hours and hours and everyone else has finished except you. Maybe it's residual guilt for sucking at the 750 from the day before and not doing yesterday. I don't think so. wow, I just tried to do yesterday as two separate words, yester and day. That long pointless sentence brought to you by the coalition to use up as many of the 750 words on weird random tangential. Also, I should stop lampshading my constant use of random sentences to use up words. that also uses up words. UGH how can I only be at 720. so close, and yet so far. Well, I'm getting closer and closer. almost done. My typing is terrible today, can't write a thing. Every other word I fuck it up.

I mean, all you people I normally chat to I wasn't online at all cause I was so tired.

Afterthought. I should have put it in between somewheres, but i'm too lazy to look

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