Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Being Strange

Do you know what's strange? Being strange. Or weird. or whatever you want to call it. Being random, I think is the most popular way of saying it. And, to be honest, it kinda pisses me off. I mean really, it shouldn't really be celebrated. Well, okay, maybe a little. but to the extent that it has? really? I should explain. I mean, I am, in general, a pretty weird person most of the time. I get lost in my thoughts a lot, so I tend to do things without realizing it. I have strange thought processes. I have never drank, or done any drugs. I don't even really take any cough medicine unless I feel like I'm going to die or something. and yet, for some reason, at least four or five times, people ask me if I'm high. like, out of the blue. like, it's independently, people who don't know each other! cause of the way I act! or the things I say! cause, sometimes, I jsut feel like doing weird dance movements, or balance on the edge of the curb or bounce on the balls of my feet. so, I think it's a given that I'm a pretty strange person. And yet, and yet, I find myself terribly annoyed at people who like to say that they're random, and then do some weird thing to prove it, cause being random and weird is, for some reason, popular. Being strange and unusual isn't a GOOD thing. It's not a BAD thing either! it's just a thing! I mean, if you're normal, then just be normal. If you're weird, then just be weird. Just be how you feel like. Being purposefully random is just as bad as being purposefully conformist. Do you know what a completely random painting would look like? It'd be shit, cause it'd just look like some ugly brown mess cause all the paints ran together. Do you know what the world would be if someone just looked around and then chose the path just cause someone else took the other ones? It'd be shit. nobody would be doing the things that they want to do, cause they'd be too worried that they'd be too similar to someone else. Just do what you fuckin want, not cause it looks like it's marginally different from someone else. Oh. Hrm.. I seem to have run out of things to say on that topic. Oh wait, thought of something. I mean, this isn't a celebration of being normal either. I mean, look at me. didn't I just say that I'm strange? and I'm okay with it. I like it. Also, I'm suddenly stuck by how this might sound. I sound like... someone who's annoyed at people barging in on my turf. I don't mean to be. I mean, if the whole world started being strange like me, I'm sure I'd like it. I mean, I'd like to be able to talk to someone about... say... actually, I can't think of anything right now, but I'm sure I'll be able to. but, whatever I talk ot that person about, I'm sure id' be fascinated by what they'd say. But, if you be strange for the sake of being strange, you're basically lying. Lying cause you fuckin saw invader zim. Or lying cause you want to be a special snowflake. or lying cause you want to make an impression. well isn't being honest good enough? shouldn't it be? There are plenty of firefighters, or policemen, or astronauts, and they're normal. Well, extraordinary in the things that they do, but not in the way that they do it. There are plenty of teachers and doctors and engineers and accountants. I mean, I think I'd like to be an accountant. At least, I'd mind it less than everything else i can think of. Seriously, workin with numbers all day in a (mostly) static way. I mean, sure, I'd probably get bored with it eventually, but there are worse ways to spend my time. ugh. 670 words. Isn't that the worst. To finish something, but then you suddenly realize you've fallen short because of some strange, arbitrary metric for success. I mean, yes, in this case, I kind of understand it. I mean, this exercise is to build good habits, and yes, it's also run by a computer so ti's not like it can judge me by the quality of my writing, and also, shit, isn't this for volume and not quality anyway? Plus, the whole slippery slope thing

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