Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Letter to Lucinda

Okay this will be my 2nd 750 words for today, but honestly, it's kind of a cheat. I did the other one at 12:20, so really, it should count as yesterday. Oh well. Anyways, this is a letter to YOU. YES. YOU lucinda. Actually, it will be posted to a random place on the internet cause I promised I would. Don't be fooled though, this is a letter to you, it's just not very private cause there's a few... I forget how many, but a few other people who may read this.
Hi! I don't know what I'm going to say here, only that I'm going to say something. How about that? Also, my writing speed has gone waaywaywaywayway down. That was only one word, you'll notice. Oh, tell me when you get the other letter, and don't tell me when you're mailing yours, cause I wanna be surprised. Also, I want to know how long it takes for things to reach Australia. tell me EXACTLY when it arrives, down to the minute and second, so that I can time the bomb that I sent you. That was a joke, I'm not going to send a bomb (maybe). Anyways, what's up? What's it like getting letters from a person you don't know? I mean, at this point, it's letters plural. Also, I'm sorry, but I didn't do the whole red sealing wax with a stamped seal with my official chinese name on it,I was going to, but then I got lazy. Plus I forgot. What's it like in Australian? You can tell me! are there koala bears? And those giant koala bears you told me to watch out for cause they're scary but then I forgot the names of cause... I forget. Actually, was that even you? Maybe not. There was a period of time when I was a total insomniac, sleeping at like 1pm after a no reason allnighter and talking to random people. Maybe some of them were Australians? Maybe not? Maybe it was actually you. Come to think of it, I'm probably failing at this writing exercise. Apparently, it's supposed to be done in the mornings, as a daily personal mind dump. I'm writing to YOU, and I'm self censoring. Hold on a tick, this also goes to you Faidites. I shouldn't be posting this. Oh well. In case I didn't tell you, this is a site where I post my things, and it analyses my subconcious. Actually, that's not the stated purpose of the site, it's just an added bonus that I find fascinating. I spend too much time thinking about my thoughts and how I think about my thoughts anyway, it's nice to have a computer do it for me. I should be more negative, I think, in general. Not cause I want to be a negative kind of person, but cause I think I self censor too much, cause I try to be nice. I mean honestly, if I can't be terrible to people in a (mostly) anonymous context, where I'm supposed to be minddumping my deepest darkest personal thoughts and feelings, where can I be mean to people? Although, in this case, since it's a letter to a specific person, and that there are also other people who may or may not read it if the fancy strikes them, perhaps it isn't the best place. Oh well. Okay, so I've suddenly realized that I haven't really been talking to you that much. This has been a letter of nothing, talking about nothing. what was that quote again? Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing? Was that Macbeth? no, King Lear I think. It's hard to tell sometimes, royalty and betrayal was all the guy did, it seems. Oh, I'm reading Hamlet, did I tell you? I'm reading that, and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead. I kinda saw the movie and then decided I wanted to read the play. You know what's weird? I didn't know Gary Oldman was that awesome until now. I mean, yeah, Tim Roth, Ringo from Pulp Fiction, I know, but Gary Oldman, Commissioner Gordon. Really. And then I went back, and realized that the guy was in a ton of movies that I watched, BUT NEVER EVEN REALIZED HE WAS IN. Isn't that fucked? He's like a completely different guy in each of them. I'm at 1600 words total now, so including yesterday, I've gone over, but oh well. Maybe I should think of wrapping this up. Maybe I should think of a proper ending to this.

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