Wednesday, March 10, 2010

NO running theme? What should I call this?

Anways, I was thinking about what I wrote yesterday. You know, about being weird. I've come to the conclusion that I'm a bit of a hypocrite. Actually, I'm a big hypocrite. I /like/ being weird. I revel in it. If I could, I'd fill a pool with weird and then swim aroudn in it, like scrooge mcduck in ducktales. But you know how I found out? I did that whole annoying "oh my god, I'm so weird. do you know how I know? cause I 'm like sooooo like totally random." Only, you know, with less valleygirl in it. More... I'm not sure what. It's hard to rewind, you know what I mean? Anyways, yeah, hypocrite. Also, I mentally dropped the ball. there was somethign I wanted to write here, but forgot what it was. something more. Oh well, no big deal.

Free short story: (some name) was always thought of as the meanest old man on the block. No really, he was. He was the type of guy who would steal your frisbee cause it flew over the fence. I mean, you COULD go ask for it back, but he's just say no, in that weird flat, voice of his. uhhh... something something.... dog... something..

Short stories don't work if you rush them do they? I'm just terribly terribly annoyed about how I'm not getting the words out like I planned to. I mean, I like writing. No, not accurate. I like words. I like playing with them and rearranging them and then listening to how they sound and feel when you say them or write them or say them some more. I think almost entirely in text. I've got a long mental narration in my head 24/7. It's the way my brain works. I can't do images. Well, kind of, in the simplest ways. I can like, imagine a cube. Or a line. Or something. I was good at basic geometry, cause I could visualize those really well. But anything more than that just fell apart into mush. I remember, waay back when, maybe kindergarden or something, a teacher was like "when you think of an elephant, do you think of the word or a picture of the nimal" and just about everyone raised their hand at the picture. and then I was totally confused, cause, don't you think of the word? how could you not? she just said it like two seconds ago. I use "like" alot. Also, my brain goes faster than my fingers. That's annoying in two ways. First of all, my fingers start to do two things at once and my typoes go way up unless I force myself to think slower. 2nd, as my fingers fall further and further behind I start to forget things in the middle. Like, take this sentence for example. When I was typing like, I was thinking example. and then, it gets further and futher, until the point where I was typing when", I was thinking until, and then the stuff in the middle gets muddled, and then I lose all coherency, and thne I need to stop and let my fingers catch up, and then I lsoe all momentum in my thoughts. Oh, writing, why are you so difficult to do? I should finish that old man story, I've got the whole thing bouncing around in my head somewhere. I should do it separately. I'm entirely serious when I say I've got the whole thing thing bouncing around in my head somewhere 100% written, but in weirdly separated parts. like little pieces of lego in a huge pile that you need to search for. Therefore, not a good story to write here. On he other hand, if I did a story from scratch... maybe that'd be easier to do here. I should try that next time, but this one is almost over. 683. Oh, also, I should stop looking at the damn counter. I should just write and write and write until I run out of things to say. Also, I should add more words to this, I mean, this whole section is shameless, shamless wordcount adding. So what should I talk about? I like the sound klom. klom klom klom. Seriously, I started saying that to random people a little while back. just, out of the blue. See what I mean about weird? I mean, I knew I shouldn't, I knew it would just confuse people. but for some reason, I like the sound as it bounces around in my mind, and also the sound as it echoes through my teeth ans skull. It's not even a good sounding word. Klom Klom. just say it to yourself out loud. Klom. esthetically, I can't understand it. but I'm weirdly obessed with the sound. maybe it has something tod o with gloom. Also, when I said "say it to yourself" I got really annoyed at myself. Cause, really, I shouldn't be writing for you people reading. That's like cheating! the entire point of iths is to be all brainfart-y and weird. And, yeah, there's a degree of that here. but there's also a degree of "hey, there are these people here reading this thing I'm making, maybe I should pander to them by being weirder and stranger and funnier and stupider and smarter" I mean, by pingponging between the stupid and the smart, not by doing them both at the same time. I wonder how that would be done anyway, being smart and stupid at the same time. I haven't even been all that smart on here anyway. have I? How would I convey that with my writing? Should I start doing like weird theoretical quantum physics things? I bet that would just make me look stupider

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