Monday, December 31, 2012

Hm, okay so today is the 31st, and I haven't written for two days you know? which could be fine, you know>? okayso what I don't know even know what I'm going to be saying there, you know? and like, there's stuff like, oh I wish that there was more stuff that could be happening you know? I'm really hungry I guess. Oh also, what else could I be doing there? I mean, I need to be doing things you know? Writing things, but I acn't think what's hapepning to the writing thing you know? I couldn't really tell what is happening ther, you know? What is happening there? I could eat things, you know? I mean there's always going to see what is hapepnign there you know/ the power of three, the angels take manhattan. What is happening there, you know? I mean there's always going to see things that could hapepn, you know? I'm really hungry, and I really need to see what I'm going to wriet what is happen there, you know. Oh what else is happening there, you know? Okay, so I kind of teen what is happening there, you know what is happening there, you know? So what am I going to see what is happening there, you know. So I'm kind of hungry now, you know, because there's just going to be stuff like... I don't know. It's not really about the snowmen, you know? So what are allt he episodes about? Because I wouldn't even be able to tell, you know So what should be happening there, you know? I mean, does strax even know where they found here? Because, like, you know what is happening there? I really have no clue what I'm going to do about that thing, you know? Okay, so what am I going to do abotu that thign? that wrtiting thing I was supposed to be doing? Beacuse it's not really all that nice, you know?

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Okay today is december the 27th, thursday, and I think that I'm sort of... not really sure what I'm doing. I'm really hungry though, and also i think I did enough excercise, but I still need to do my squats anyways. There wasa fuckton of snow, and I shoveled it, which, is what I'm calling m excercise? Afterwards, I took hugo for a wlk. Also, yesterday was another of those nothing really happened days, though I think those are running out. Hugo is really tied out by his walk and his plyingin the snow though, So... you know... I think it takes a lot more energy for him to wander around, being so short and all. What else can I talk about? Can I jsut ramble on about nothingm like always, not even do the complete sentences thing?Beauase that seems to be what is happening now. I guess my life isn't all that exciting, I can't even fill up 750 words a day. Oh, right, also yesterday I called zoey, which is weird. WE talked about... nothing. I guess.a whole lot of nothing, it looks like. I mean, I can keep going I guess... I man we talked about lord of the rigns I guesS?I'm not very good at keeping conversations going, maybe I should practice doing that. But I don't relaly know how I guess? I'm just sort of bad at it. I mean, I guess the wayt o practice it is to make sure tha tI'm paing attention to all the words I'm putting own, but another problem is that I'm never really sure what topic to talk about. You know what I eman? Okay, I am terribly terribly hungry. So you know what I'm going to do after this? I'm going to do the squat thing. BUT AFTER THAT, that's when I'm going to eat lunch. Or breakfast. THings have had a sort of an odd definition latley, but I've also been trying to give thme more definition, you know? okay what else do I need to figure out?  okay, so I sitll have what? two minutes lef tof othis? But I'm really struggling on figuring out what to say. I mean I could talk about how I didn't really have lunch yesterday, just a bunch of cookies, and dinner I had liek at 8, which was a steak and rice and stuff, which I should really bring down soon, you know?

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Thoguh onhestly, what is happening ? Today is wednesdayt he 26th, and UI'm going to start off all of ym posts like this. However, Is till don't have anythign to talk about, so I'm just going to iunno, sleep or soemthing. Seriously, I spent like all of yesterday sleeping and playign video games. Also, ate turkey andw atched doctor who, which is pretty good. What else couldI be doing? I mean, there's like  I could decide to tidy up this room some more, but I don't think ti'll really help. Ic ould decide to start... uhm.. doing something else, maybe. Id ont' know. There's like a few other things I could turn into a big deal, but I cam't think of anything. This rroom is very large.Okay, what else can I be doing? Because I can't really think of aynthing. I can get rid of that cardboard box, Ic an like... Iunno. Tidy up that fdrawrer some more. Ic an actualyl do a productive thing, even if Ic an'tt think of anything that Iac n do to be more productive. I can throw out all those things tha I know aren't helping with my life. I mean those two cardboard bosxes. What are they even doing? I don't know. They arne't doing tanythiomng. Also, I shoudl stop cracking my knuckles. Also, I should od my p[ushups. also, I should puick out a thing to do ont he programming side of it and just do uit .Aslo, I should figure out stuff IO can do with my life and just do THAT. Also, I should block reddit. like seriously, I turned it on and like entire life gone, boom. There, done. ONo trouble at all. What else can I do, I need to bring down all those dishes. and I need to to move that other thing, maybe. And I need to decide how to make that thign work. And I don't know what I'm talking abotu wghen I sayt his. Also, I need to check that toher thing.  Okay, so what else do I need to do?
okay Okay, I've done that. What else do I need tod o. I ened to tidy up those dishes, abd I need to see if that toher thig is happening. What do I mean by that other thing? I honestly have no idea. whee, sin't this fun? It seems fun. Okay great I got the todo list thing to work

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

okay so I'm not sure wha tI'm going to be writing abuot. yesterday, I just wasted a lto fo time on reddit, and then ate dinner with the family, adn then played a lot of video games. That does not seem like a good thing to post about, but oh well. I literally slept at 7 am last night. Also, hugo is adorable. And I also want a turkey sandwich. this is the extent of all of my thought for yesterday. Also, it was christmas eve. So.. you know. there's that. It's not exactly a good tale to tell ofn christmas I guess. wat is the plan? I'm not entirely sure what is happeneing there. Okay, so what am I going to do now for that thing/  becuase I really have no ther clue. And if I have that other thing working, I mean it's not like it's goingt o be a hgue deal if I have a billion words or anything, it's just... Iunno it's a little bit annoying maybe? Is today tuesday? Today is tuesday, so for tuesday I'm going to make sure if I can seen if I can get that toher thing to work. You know what that other thing is. I don't, but you, dear reader, who completely exists, totally does. W But in all honesty, I need to figure out what I'm doing with that thing, and by that thing, I mean I need to get some foor or something,. I think. I don't know. WHat time is it ?UIt's probably liek 130 by now, which  is a good sort of a time, I think. And if I have that working then, well, I dont' know what I'm going to say about that. And I'm only 4 minutes in, there's 6 minutes left, and I still really have no clue whatsoever what is happening ont hat,y uo nkow? and if I have that thing working, then, well, I dont' know. There's stuff. Or something. Im not sure what is happening there and then, you know? Adn I need. Okay so It hink I'm goingt o do one thing on this app. At least one thing a day. And also, I need to figure out how to to a better programming language, you know? IT's nto really compatiable with anything other than windows, and though it's xetermely easy to use, I mean I don't even think microsoft uses it for anything. The only thing it's really good for is it's compatibility with .ent4.0 which. I don't . Oaky,, so I'm sort of talking out of my ass mybe? Id on't know. I mean there's I mean The fact is that they want to make ti srot of random, but too much randomness itsn't good, you know? More randomness helps nobody, mnobdoy at all, and it is jut annoying, you know? also, I mean there just wondering about things, you kniow? and If I have that hing working ont hat thoer thing, then, well, I eman there's just a fewmore words that I could turn into that thing. I mean there's a lot that I'm willing to accept in terms of things that amek sense, you kniw? and if I have that thing making sense, then...

Monday, December 24, 2012

Okay, so I just need to write things down in a consistent and coherent manner, right? So what's happening today What happened yesterday? Well, today is christmas eve, andyesterday I... uhh.. slept. Like th wwhole day away. also, I went on reddit. Whchih isn't really that great I guess. I need to turn that off again. I mean I turned it on in the router and like immediately,t he nexct day was completely off. Though I really want to pay attentiont o listen tot his, but okay. I can just grab the playolsit adn figure things out fromt here, yeah? yyeah. Okay so what is ging to happen on that thing/ because I really need to decide how hings are going to happen then, you know? and if I hate if I have that thing working, uhh.. yeah. Also, I need to put up the calendear, you know? and if I have that calendar put up then, okay, so I mean it wouldn't realy solve that much, but at the very least it would eba  visual reminder that I need to do that thing, you know? which is a pretty good reminder, I think. I mean, there's like a few other things I could figure out, but for now, that's a thing. anyways, lying isn't going to solve anythiong at all? Is it? SO I also need to make sure that .. yeah, since I skipped yestyerday, I need to not be a sucha  total asshoel and ly to nobdy for the sake of... well nothing. for the sake of keeping the chain up, which is kind of fucked up isn't it/ Okay what else do I need to do? Because there's always a few more whatever things that I need to do, right? also, I need to start editing things or something. I don't really know 100% for sure, but It hink that needs to be added to it. And really, I meana  full year is just six pages right? that's not that much, is it? And if I  okay so what s going to happen there? because I maen there's other stuff Ic ould try to figure out, isn't there? if I have those things figured out, then I eman theres' not a lot else that I could be oing, you know? also I really like turkey. I guess there's that. And then if I have those things figured out... I mean it's weird to think about, people with their families. It shouldn't be that odd, but like. i mean now that I'm on twitter Ica n sort of see what is goingg ot I mean Ic an sort of see what is happening with people on the internet at random times, you knwo? Not random times, but times where I wouldn't otherwise know what they're thinking. Not that theiy're always honest, but it's a heck of a lot closer than what I used to know, which is pretty good, isn 't it? So what else should I fgirue out. i mean two days ago I went to garmima's party thing, btu I'm not sure entrely what It hink about tht. It's ofdd. It might be somethnig that I mean, it might be something tha I've completely got messed up or it might it might not be, you know ?I mean' there's nota  whoel mass of things tha tI need to worry about, you know? And I should also get more sued to putting EVERYTHING AWAYS. i MEAN IT IS sort of an offhanded effort, but still, you know?

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Okay so what am I going to do on that? ebcuse I really want to write things down, but I seem to be absolutely terrible at things, you know? I really don't know what is happening on it you know?  I mean there are ridiculous numbers of people doing those things, you knwo? Okay so what am I going to do now on tha thting? because Ir eally don't have the slightest clue waht is happening then and there, right? where are we even going? becuse I' don't know wheree I'm going with any of this, you know? And then, and thent here's like dumb whatevers I can put int that, which. Okay. So does that make any sense? because I don't know what is happening with tht stuff, you know? And i Wht else am I ging to do on that? bcause I could relly tell what is happening there, you know? I can still tellw hat is going to hapenthere? and if I have that thing figured out, I really woulnt' know what is happening happening there. What the heck?  I that doesn't that is pretty bad sounding. I'm listening to the rebel fm podcasts. What am I even doing with that? because if I have those things figured out, then I coudln't evne see what is going to hpapen with that, you know? and well. ist hat done? I'm pretty sure all things are done, ebcause I wouldn't evne see wht is happening with ath,t you know? I could really just dcide that explosions and things could happen with that other thing? I mean there's like a few more things with atht, which I coudlnt' evne ell what is happening i and i I have that which is hapepning there, you know? also, I'm not sure what is happening in tere? because I mean, there's a few more other things which is goingt o happen what is happening tere, does that make a lot of sense? becuas eI coudln't even see what is happening then and there, right? And If I have that happening there, then it'll just be annoying, right? right.  I couldn't just decide what is hapening there, which i'M GOING TO CHARGE MY AUTIOBOOK THING, AND... HMM.i MEAN IF i LEAVE AT THREE, THAT IS WAY TOO EARLY

I was thinking leaving at five, but that might also be way too early I mean I coudln't even seew ath would be hapening here, you know? because I'm just going to do the christmas shopping/ I guess? I mean I don't really need to do a lot of it, which, okay THere's a few more whatevers I could turn into that, you know?  And well if I have that, it'll no longer see those dumb things, which I couldn't even see what is happening on that, and really my brain is sort of just... like... I don't even know what I'm saying anymore. I'm just rambling, I couldn't even tell you what I am writing abou anymore, and I really need to just see those whtevers. Ad I need to figure out what I relly need to do, you know? and if I have those things figured out, then I mean, I could just turn it all into... a thing. enough of that I suppose.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Okay so what is going to happen onthat thing? becuase I woudl really need to see waht si goignt o ahppen ont hat hing,y ou know? because I don't really see hwo often do you see those thinsg, ou know? I mean otherwise there' s going to be like dumb things, like that, you know? does it amke any sense at all? because I erally don't see it, ever working, at all, period. Does that make any sense whatsoever? bceuase if I don't figure any of those things out, I'm not going to see things that will happen, you know? So I mean there's no information on tweets and things, you know? Because I really don't see anything like that, you know? because I woudln't really see what's going to happen on that hting, you know? ebcause I'm really neer going to see any of those things, like important thingies that will add up to a wgahwta
a whatever. I'm jsut going to see what is going to happen then and there,, you know? If I see all those other things, you know? How much email do I do? because it'll never be important yuo know? Right? RTight. Okay so what is happening then and there, you know? And iI mean there arne't enough like words and vomitty type stuff, you know? because I really need to get more used to writing things down like thatOkay so what I really need to get  is a thingy, you know? there's like a few more whatever thingies that could happen you know? What is happening then and there? ebcause to see things like that...I mean there's like whatever things And once I've got there things like that, you know? thee's like tweets and things, you know? I mean here's a fwe more thinsg that could happen there, you kow/ I'm pretty sure the first few tweets that I've got are like tweets and things, you know? What is happening like that? there's like other things liek that, and if I have things like that. what else is going to see what is happening there? because i'm sort of running out of words and things like that. And thne there's liek a few more other things when there are like dumb things like that. And if I see hose thoer things like that. And if I see all those things, it'll be If I see what is happening like that you know? and i will see all those dumb things like that. sigh. Okay so what will I see? I really don't know what I'm going to see there and then? And if I have that working, maps is like way higher than that, you know?  IT's enoguh of those, you know? And I don't knwo what else I am going to be saying, because my brain is totalyl totalyl fof right wno, I think. There's like a bunch of dumb things, you knwo?

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Okay then, what is goign to happen on that thing?? ebcause honestl, It doesn't really matter does it?  what is going to happen then and now? I really don't know all that much, do I?
okay quickly going through the dream, even though I should have gone through it way before. It had... something. It had I think military>? and a girl whose name starts with an a? Something like that? I really don't know anymore. What was I going to say ont ha thing?m

okay so that was not good, dgetting distracted liek that/ why do I even care about things that donhappen wen I'm not tyhere?  And when I see those thnigs, like iunno. Stuff I need to get those things and put them away, I guess? Maybe? there's other things that I could turn into an interesting bit of things, you know? There's like other stuff I could turn into something important, you know what I mean? Do I really need to go through that archive of things? I dont really know/ THat's other stuff I could turn into that thing, you know? I mean there's always dumb things htat I could turn into a bigger uninteresting thing. Im not event hingking anymore when I do these thing,s, am I? I rtthink I need to be more present when I do them.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

okay so I dont' have a single thing that I've got in terms of words antymore, you know?  I don't know what is going to happen you know? because I'm sort of running out of things that will happen on that thing. I don't quite know what is happening on that,y ou know? because I don't know. it's a little bit weird and odd to run into things like that in terms of representation, you know? and then you know what is going to happen onthat. Okasy, so what am I going to be talking about that thing? oaky I mean there's jsut a few little tihnga thatI coudl sort of pretend to be sort of.. I don't really know. There' stuff. I need to drop things like that, ou know? are there other random things that I need to worrry about? I mean otherwise there will be just a few mroe ignorant things that I can turn into a  I mean there'll just be pages of things froma  journal, you know? there's a few other things that ?I should even turn into a few more other words that could turn into a few more Okay, what else could I turn into a few more words? I mean otherwise there's going to be seeing ths like that, you know? there And when there's just goign to bw words liek that, you know? I mean there's always gouing to see what is going to see what is happening on that?  What else could I even be worring about? there's like other things. I mean, there's just a few other words and things that could be sort of not even a few words? Am I even saying things anymore? I mean I could see what is giong to happen ont hat, you know?  I wouldn't even see what is going to happen in there, you know? I mean there's a few other drops and dips of thinsg, you know what I'm sayuing?  So what else could there be? Important with that? There's not always a worry kind fo a thing I mean. Okay, so I'm nto even saying thins nanyremo there? If there's stuff like that, I mean I coudl always drop what is going to happen there/ There's a few mroe words tha I coudl turn intoa  few more things that would even happen with atth? am. I'm not really saing other things right now am I  Ooof. That hurts. Okay so what is happening there?  What else could I see what is happening there? What is going to see what is happening there? You know? I couldn't see any of those things I coudln't even see those thingsI couldn't see what is going to see there? I'm not going to see what is going to happen there? And once I've seen those those things, there's just going I just need to see wht is happening at that point? There's a few more other drops of words that are going to see there/ Are there? I mean there's like there's likea  few other words

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Oaky s I don't know what is happening on that on thing you know Okay so wht am I going to do with tht? bcause really, it doesn't make any sese fr me to do that other tihng, you know I do need to keep going, I think, with the writing, which is fair enough, but I don't know what els sig oing o happen on tha other thing, sm am I even makign sense? no, but it's in anyway, to not be making sense, It hink. Probably. Uhm. what. Okay, so what am I going to say now with tha thing? because it enver makes any sense, makignt higns work, you know? Also, I 've got no cliue what I was dreaming about, so that's a thing. I'm not entirely sure that any of those things count, me making sense, stuf flike that, because, you know, eating and fods and stuff. Also, like other things, maybe. What am I going to do ont ha thing? OKay so what am I going to figure ont that? because I mean there's just me not writing things dow, I'm not saying anything of substance, not even a little bit, so yeah. I need to get better at that, proabkyl Ad then theres lik other things. It IT's also a bunch of wahtsits and stuff, you know what I'm saying? I'm also pretty sure that it's not gogn to count a single darn thing, right? right. OKay so what else am I going to be figuring into that toher thing? because drag and drop doesn't seem to be working, you know? IT's no a thing tha tmkes a lot of sense, not to anyone, okay? abd then there's like other things. IAnd if I hve that opned, then you knwo what is happenign? I certainly don't. REalyl, it shouldn't ahve taken me as long as it did just to make this dumb little tiny thing, but It took me forver anyways, you know? and also, not only but also, slight light, something something else. I mean the problem isn't the outrage it's the otert hing, you know? and thne there's like other annoying things that sometimes happen on tha ting, you catch my mening? I woner if it relly happenes otn that toherthing. I mean all it really takes is like a few annoying things to drop into that hat or something. Maybe.I don't even really know what I'm doing with my life. FAir? Fair. Okay so what else is going to hapen with tht? I need to tidy all this shit up, and I need to make sure that nohtign else that is dumb is goignt o happen, and thne I'm going to something something else. I honestly have o lue what that something else is going to be,but I should stll be okay with it, right? right. Okay so wht is happening now? I'm going to decide if that thing mkes any sense, and then I'm going to see if I can just check those other things, kay? kay. Okay so what ma I going to write on that AM I eeven making anysense? beaus eI don't think that I am, really. Also, I'm a little bit ungr, which is understandable I guess. It's just 40 ish minutes of stuff, maybe.

Monday, December 17, 2012

okay so ocne again I have no idea what I'm going to write about. I have no idea what I dreamt about,a dn I don't really know what I'm I was doing yesteryday. Okay maybe if I went through a moment to moment walkthrough of the things hat I did. Uhm. Okay, so lets see. It hink I woke up at about 12ish. Which okay, is a little disgusting I guess And after tha, I uhm. okay I took hugo for a walk? And then I had lunch and then honestly I have no clue, tyhe wntire day just DISAPPPEARED.  At around 6 parents left for something. and at about that poitnn I put together the dominion thingm, which I think took about an hour. then I started watching the hawp stream, adn I went on chat, and I started moving the furniture around again. Uhm. Oh, becoffore 6 I set up the whatsit. I set up the garage door on the car. uh... I spent maybe an hour on  the writing app, looking up the application config stuff, and setting upi the font,. That was all done before 6. And.. hm. It hink that is about it. That is not really all that productive. I looked upt he pomodoro stuff. I guess. What else? bnecause I'm drawring a blank. UI am really bad at keeping track of the things that Id o. I need to be better at that, erally. Look at the thinsg that i do . get a bnetter handle on my time or sometihng. Oaky, so I have all those things down. And also, I'm not wiring especially quickly, what else do I need = to figure? Because I have very little clue what I'm going to do on that.  I hadn't organised anything significant in my room. I haven't done anything nice at all outside of my room. Bleh. Okay, so I guess I'm kin do f useless al round? That's nice. Maybe I am more poductive than ?I think? or mabye I'm just comepletely uselss. I looked up the pomodoro stuff, sometime before 6. Honestly, It's all a bit of a blur. I need to be a heck of a lot better at being attentive and keepign tarck of my time, maybe. What else do i need to fuigre? I think I'm out of things, but I'm still vaguely annoed at myself for not really knowing what Iwas doing with my life. Because I hoenstly have no clue what I think I'm doing with my life, which is somewhat annyoing, and by somewhat, I mean extremely. It's extremely annoying. You know what I'm saying? of cuorse you so, nobody is going to read this but me, and you knwo what 'm probably not even goign to read this, so there

Sunday, December 16, 2012

okay then so what was I going to be writing to do? I mean, I don't really remember my dreams, or even if I did, I mean, it's been too long, like an hour since i wok up, so I can't really figure them. yesterday, basicalyl what I did was go to scott and cyn's birthday thing, and then sleep. for ages. like seriously, It hink I slept for around 13 hours. Well, with a few interruptions in between, but still. that is a lot of sleep I'm still feeling extraordinariyl fuzzy. what else could I possibly write about? Okay, so I mean there's a lot fo ways you can read into that, okay? And if there's like thoer things where I mean, there's like random stuffs, which don't really make a lot of sense to anyone other than myself,y ou know ?adnt hen I mean I should get some food to eat and then I should eat somethnig, because I am really raelly freaking hungry. and then what? there's klike what. stuff. I mean there's lik a few other things tha tIc ould turn into this big deal type thing, you know/ There's alwauys a thing, which I mean there's just goignt o be a few other thinsg that I caould turn into a weird explosion type dealio, you know? and then what is goignt o happen from there on? there's just going to be people beign super drepessed,y ou know? and then there's like stuff.  and then ther's like whatever. I don't even. what's going to happen from now on/ i mean, I could just get food to eat or something. Id on't kn ow. anyways, there's like a few other things that I can turn into that first thing,y ou know?  hiow am I going to do this? I mean, I'm basically out. kaput. Id on't know what is going toh appen from now on with anything at all,y ou know? Is that right? It's definitely not, but whatever, ti's still a thing that I mean i..

how was I going to do this again? I was planning on putting everything into a single thingy. R sometihng. Iw as giong to fill out one of those little thingies with something. Id on't know what. and then Iw as going to dump everything into that toher thing,y ou know? and then what? What am I goign to do on that other thing, you know ?and thne there's like... thingies. And weird explosions and then me running out of things to say adn then me deciding how things are going to work ont hat hing, you know?\
i mean, so you ask. politely. or something. I don't even know anymore. What was I going to do there? Iwa s going to eat things, or sometihng to that efefft.  or I was going to listen to thnigs, or I was just going to sleep things, off. what is this I dont' even. And then I meann I coudl also see if other things would be making sense, you know/

Saturday, December 15, 2012

I mean, I honestly can't think of a tsingle iother thing. So what do I need to do now?? ' I need to figure out other things, I guess. Or I need to decide what is ahppening on that other other thing, you know? And if I have that hting figured out, then I cam make tha other thing, work? am I even making sense\?e because I'm pretty sure that I'm not, really. okay. Sow aht is happening on that thing? I'm not sure, ebcause I'm nrver really sure about those sort sof things, you knwo? and if I have those things even kind of figured out, I mena. Yeah. what am I saying anymore? because smerg. what is happening to me? I've sort of run  out of things to say and ways to say them, si that right?  I'm also never editing things, alsywas putting them way way off, which is frustrating on multiple levels, maybe. WHat is happening? Never really sure. what time is it, Okay so what am I saying? because alt tabbing out doesn't seem to be the way of making thinhs work maybe. And also. maybe Ic oudl decide that making things work is important? or aomseinth? what was I supposed to do on that thing? because making those thnigs work would be pertty rpetty pretty cool you know? what am I doing there because I don't knwow hat else I am doing there? It's important, you know? In  other words. mobody has any idea, you know? It looks like it's not working. Unless it's something specific to your phone or something, or maybe rogers just doesn't like me. It is entirely possible, you know? Also, what else is going to happen there? EBcause I don't know waht ithe vicroty cafe is like, really. What am I saying now?ebcause those things are also kind of nice, maybe. Nto sure. What is happening onth that other thing too? because I mean there's like toher fees, you know? is it tha t othere fees are a thing that works on that other thing? also, I need to make sure that I eat things, and make sure that toher things are going to happen  ion that thoer thing, because I seem to be bad at making those words coe out in a way that makes sense. or maybe Ic oudl ujst spend more time just playing around with the words, maybe. I think that would eb pretty good. It's a thing that I woudl like

Friday, December 14, 2012

uhhh. I don't actually say anything this whole time, I don't think. Blame lack of sleep

okay so I should really get better at htings. At writing things as soon as I get up as opposed to lying in bed like forever. Lying in bed forever is not good fr people, you know? It's really not. And I really shoudl get aroudn to figuring out how that app is going to work, cause getting apps to work is a good thing, like for everyone, right? focuys is difficult when runnig on no sleep isn't it? anyways, stuyff. It's weird IF timing fits then timing fits and things end up well, but if timing does not, then timing does not, you know? also, stuff and things dand being tired or whatever, right? okay so what was I thinking? Iw as thinking about sleeping and being tired and wondering and being thinking about being pretty or someingthing ?And if that thing is going to be a whole deal, then, well, tha's just great isn't it/ itn is  so great, I am so tired okay so I shoudl stop alt tabbing over and doing that hing, you know? |if I did that thing,t hen I coudl just be that stupid little thinguy, you know?? and I coudl also figure out other things, that that don't make me just topple into stuff, you know? also, napping,a nd stuff like that. And if I have that other thing, I mean I should keep track of changes in the years too, but you know. Stuff. Changes in theyear. Me being dumb, stuff like that. Or maybe Ic ouldd see if that thing is giongt o be that toher things, you know ?and if I have a dates thing. I should get a weekly calendar thing, you know? and if I have that thoer thing, I eman I coudl see if someone can ghelp me motve that thing up there, which would be good, likely. And if I have that thing moved up there, then I mean ther's like weirder, less frustrating stuff going on, you know what I'm saying ?and if I have those things not being frustracting
frustrating at all, then I mean, it's just anever anything at all you know? I coudl mke sure that it bever bothers anyone at all, you know? and thse's nice I guess. I mean I am a little bit better at something. Okay. I really haven't said anything at all thiS whole time, HAVEN'T I? Okay here's what happend. I cleaned the garage andn went to like an ofar which is an odd friday at runnymede thing that I go to, which is a starbucks thing that I go to, in case I didn't say what that thing was, and I did it.  And then afterwards I went to drew's place and played a bunch of domininon until like 3 o clock, whichw as dumb, because playing dominion until 3 o clock is dumb. you know;/ Also, STARTING dominino at like 12 o clock is dumb. Okay, I should have made sure that it was going to do that thing, which is fine. I mean there's liek a few other things that I coudl turn into that thing,y ou know ?I should look atthe passage of time and decide that it's a good way of making things work on tha thing, you know ?and there's like a whole chain breakingt hing which I like figurein out and looking at or sometihng, maybe. I meabn It's not always there, bt at least it stopps hugo from being really fucking messy all voer, but okay. So hugo tends to kill stuffed animals. Like he claims them until theri his, so there's this little green triceratops that used to be my brother's and now it's cutted. He took it's threat and cut it into little pieces, and also I shoudl edit or something. I don't know. IT's a thingy,y ou know? i needn\
I need he literally tore out its throat and is ripping out the stuffing. Gruesome, mauybe not in life but inthought, you knwo He's got hunting instincts

Thursday, December 13, 2012

one big paragraph of sucky writing

okay, a few little quick little somethings that I think I can remember about my dream, a thing that I can barely even remember because of a thing which... okay.  arriana huffington, twitter and kate. that's basicaly it. that being done, I can't recall a single other thing about my dream. And I blame it on my laptop being turned off, which I relaize idss kind fo a lame excuse, but oh well. what am I going to write about? I mean, I wrote a little bit about somethng. I woke up, and puppy was being adorable, which si nice. And that's pretty mcuh it. I can't recall a single other thing that maybe could have happened and was even sort of interesting, which In't all that great I guess. what the heck tere.ce You're weird, stop being so mseeed up, okay? no, it's not ookay, bnut  it's a thing that is a weird winth about my anyway, so 'm just going to see that thing, you know. SO also, I need to edit that thing. And if that thing is eidted, I mean sleeping and cuddlign is nice and also I think I can make things work, you know? also, I am verty very tired. Also, everyone should stfu. what else? I have no idea what else. But there are other thing, I think /. THere are always other things, yo know what I mean? I can't really think of anything, so for now I'll just write aboujt dujbm stupid storesiw hich will take up 10 minutes for me to write down and won't really do aynthing for anyone, dig? there wonce was this man from nantucket, who something somerthing something fuck it. there's a few other things that can happen on here, but uhh... sections, I think. There's a way to split ti all up into sections or soemthing. i don't know. And also I need to see if there are going to be arrays of things inside of the database, and then I could turn it into a few other interesting little droplets of things, which... uhh... iokay. Editing.And also decing that makine a thing which sin't attached to anything at all, I mean there's always going to be more things that I coudl always turn into that first thing, you know? Also, io need to look up how to read things, which whould be important.  And take that whole thing, and load it into memory, and then from there decied how the rest of it is going to work, you know ? does that make any sense? ebcause that's a thing which doesn't really amtter to anybody except for me, mabye.Or maybe it's a thing which  won't really make sense to anyone but me. Oh well. what am I going to do on that hthing? because it's not really a big deal otherwise, for anyone except for me, you know? If this is just going to be me jut rambling forever and rbains storming thigs, but enver going anywehre with te app, I'm just going to be running in place, and that's basically pointless, isn't it? right? okay so what now? I need a shower. And then what?  I'm nto sure what else, but I'm hungry. Oh well. I'm sort of out of things that I want

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I wonder what I should be writing about, for the enftire friggin post

okay then, I should have been doing this 20 minutes ago, but I wasn't, soo... yeah.. what am I even goig to be talking about? i f I I ghad been doing it 20 minutes ago I could have been writing about the fact that apparently my brother has some sort of an infection, or I could be writing about bhow, you know, somehow,  I spent like ALL THE TIME tidiny up in this room yesterady.  and I don't even know what I was diong for like the 10 hour period between 10 and 10 last night, but after that I was being exceptionally neat in here. i coudl be typing about how apparently I'm an idiot and didn't sleep at all, and was instead having this weird twitter conversation about... android./ and.. and... id on't know what else. android and pancakes till 4am. which is ujst great.

seriously, I don't even have the slightest clue what I was doing. awws i reading something intersting? I spent a bucnh of time organising books. was I don't that?n or can I bne talking abotu a dream ro something? like even five minutes ago i had a much better handle on what i was dreaming avbout... which isn't even clse to like 10 minute s ago, which wasn't even close to... like an hour ago. an horu ago is when my alarm first rang.. but isntead i'm lying in bed trying to figure out what iwas riting about because i honestly haven't the slightest clue. does it have

what was my dream even about? somwething to do with cops? with ... with... ugh. jeez. I really need to get into the habit of typing things down throughout the day. yeesh. I wonder if there's a way to do that, automatica hourly re+-miners to do vertain things, or automatic dpg defenses. b ecuase right now hugo is attacking my hands and fingers and keyboard while i'm trying to type, which is super super annoying. because i still have no idea what i'm giong to write about today.

OH. I watched pitch perfect. that's a thing i can write about. it was funny and pretty good as a whole, but right after i saw it I was like what was that plot because there were so many things in that plot which could have been much... neater.  from a writing standpoint. that guy was completely useless and pointless, which I now see as a writing dealio. I mean a holoywood dealio, which I knew that it was the whoel time, but I didn't. Also, it was hilarious the whole time. Also, there was no real antagonist, but there sort of was, which there always is in these teen dramas. There was someoen that you weren't supposed to like, and was sort of an annoying and controlling the whole time, which I sort of get but I also wish there was a better solution to. I mean yeah, there's always going to be problems like that, but really there was a solution. or at least they didn't spend enough time redeeming her. How long was the movie anyway? I hoenstly have nio clue, but ti was close to 2 horus right? still, it was a pretty good two hours

Monday, December 10, 2012

I don't know what I was talking about, I wasn't really paying attention to my brain, okay?

anyways, I honestly have no clue whatsoever I'm going to be doing on that thing, you know? Uhm.. what am I doing? what did I do yesterday?  yesterday I wasted a lot fo time trying to figure out what exactly is wrong with the charging on the hp touchpad, which... uhhh yeah. I thought it was working at some point, but it actually wasn't? Maybe I should've let it run all the way throuhg Anyways, installing android stuff and I like it a lot, but it's not liek.. ma I goingt obe using it? so I don't know what I'm saying about that, you know? I dont' even know what's hapepning over ther, you know? and then there's lkea a few more things that I need to decide if ti works, you know? aplsu also, I think I'm tired with ios stuff, you know what I'm saying? Is jhoudl decide if that other thing is goigng ot be important ont hat thing,y ou catch my meaning? I mean I'm fine with dialy type things, but I'm not sure if I could do that thoer thing, you know wha I'm going to be saying? and then there's liie,... other stuff. Also, I need to get rid of that toher thin, you know? and then there's a few other gthings that I coudl change int' that thoher thing, am I really saying anything at all? because otherwise there's likea  few other worrisome things that I could stop worryign about? am I even saying anything at all? and I only need to see what's hapepning on tha other thing, and then fi I've got that thing sort of maing sense ont hat other thing, then I'm nto even really paying attentiont ot he things that I say anymoere? maybe? I couldn't even really know about those things, really. If I've got those things makign sense, then I mean there's like. IOkay, so what am I saying about that thing>? because  I honestly don't know what is happening on that thing,y ou know? it's about keeping those thinsg, you know? it's like maybe that there's a few other things,y ou know whatI'm saying?and wekk.. tap and send is nice/ maybe? I don't qutie know. It's not always the best way of figuring at that other thing, you knw?  opkay so what do I need to figure/ because I really sort of not always figuer thosre thigs, and then if I've got that other thing, Ic oudla lways decide that the best way of making those things happening on that tother thing, you know? and then there's like google goggles and all that okay so if Iv'e got like a few of those orther things/ maybe/ I don't really know what is happening on that other thing, which just about makes sense ont hat other thing, you know I don't really know what is ahppening over tere, you know? anyways, if I've got that thing, then I coudl just make and decide if I see if those thinsg are ghoing to work on that? and then  and well if I mean I just need to see if those things are going to make any kidnsof sese, you know? and well, I. I'm just sort of rambling now arne't I? because Id on't think that I'm saying anythingat all? mauybe? and once I've got that, then there's like... stuff. IO thought that there were going to be like WORDS? or something. UI maen ebcause I don't remember what I was dreaming about. I think I had like sort of an idea before, but you know. A thing. Also, I coudl see if any of those other thigns are making sense ton ayeone other than myself. Or maybe I coudl see if othse other other things are going to be makign sense to anyone other than me, youn know? constantly rerendering things, you know what I'm saying? timers and stuff liek that. You know? and if I've got thoese other things, that are happening on that, you know what is happening and there's a few other things like that other tghing and I don't even really know what is happening over there, you know? and if I've got that? I don't even see what is happening over there, which is nice? I guess? am I even making any sense? I don't think that I am, which is kind of annoying to everyone, even me. Aslo, I need to brush my teeth, Ig uess. What about other things? also, I didn't do the test. I should have done that? maybe? I don't really know.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

This is a post about cleaning I think? Also, I wanted to write about programming poorly, but I didn't

okay, so my brain si sort of gone now I think. I'm not sure what that ouit was, but I was doing that thign and then that other thing and then that other other thing, and also I think I'm getting rid of a lot of clothes and also ther's a lot of clothes that I'll never get rid of, but I'll keetp them around anyway because I'm dumb, what am I saying? I don't know, but it's a thing that I'm satung, you know? what was I going to do about that thing, anyway. I feel as though I shoudl be doing tha thing abouttha t other thing, you know?a dn also I could have change my midn about that thing. also, I think I need to figure out a sort of a shelf for between, and also I ned to move all my text books int hat place, and also also, I don't kniow what else? I'm not really sure, to be honest. Adn then, and then there's justlike dumb stuf, like aways. Hush now, I think that for now I'm just not going to do anything of the sort, you know ? Amm I even saying anything? I don't think that I am.. I thought that Iw as going to write a blog post or someithng. Because I'm pretty suire that writing blog posts is important. Well, not really, but you catch my drift. Also, I'm pertty sure that I can start just distilling these posts into things. Well, notthing at all usreful is going tobe there, but you understand my my meanding, meaning, ydon't you? Wlel, okay, so I thnk I need to do it to what? increase my publishing resistance? is that a thing? I'm not sure if it is, but it sort of is./ Anwyays, I was up till like 2:30 sorting through clothes, most of which I have literally enver worm. I dont know why I still have them, but I have them because someone gave them to me and I throw them into the closet and nothing happens to them after that, that's why I still have them. that seems like it's a good strategy of dealing with things, isn't it? also, I rearranged the furniture, or rather, I contieude the process or rearrangingt he furniture because I clearly wasn't done last time. It hink I like it now a lot more, vbecause now everything is very open. never that big wardrobe, which I read in the back, apparently it's actualy a TV cabinet, mit finally makse some fuckin sense why it's so large and unweirdly and useless for everything, anyways, I moved iot away, and wiped off all the duse, so maybe it's less in the way. I'll feel less hemmied ion when I walk in. I mean it's weird that I felt so hemmed in when I walekd in, but you know. Also, ir's weird how I enver wanted to do it boferl. I don't even know what brought this about, but whatever I'm getting a bigger what. I'm gtrying to get greater control voer my surrounddings, I like that fact. and I'm not sure what else is going tob e hapening on that thing,y ou know? And then I coudl also decide that I'm not sure where that other thing is, you know? and I'm not sure wher eI'm goingwuith this either, but I think that once I'm done this I'm sort of done entirely? I don't know. oh, also yesterday, I did that whole... like... trying to program thing, and then I watched a video ont he tutuorial on scrivener, and then Ir ealized that there isn't really mcuh of a point, because it's so amture in comparison to even the design doc, of which I don't even really have one, but anyways I shoudl try fiddling with ti anyway, jhsut becase. Maybe i'll treat it as a journal thing or wsomething, I don't know. But ti's a thing. which... you know. YHeah.