Saturday, December 15, 2012

I mean, I honestly can't think of a tsingle iother thing. So what do I need to do now?? ' I need to figure out other things, I guess. Or I need to decide what is ahppening on that other other thing, you know? And if I have that hting figured out, then I cam make tha other thing, work? am I even making sense\?e because I'm pretty sure that I'm not, really. okay. Sow aht is happening on that thing? I'm not sure, ebcause I'm nrver really sure about those sort sof things, you knwo? and if I have those things even kind of figured out, I mena. Yeah. what am I saying anymore? because smerg. what is happening to me? I've sort of run  out of things to say and ways to say them, si that right?  I'm also never editing things, alsywas putting them way way off, which is frustrating on multiple levels, maybe. WHat is happening? Never really sure. what time is it, Okay so what am I saying? because alt tabbing out doesn't seem to be the way of making thinhs work maybe. And also. maybe Ic oudl decide that making things work is important? or aomseinth? what was I supposed to do on that thing? because making those thnigs work would be pertty rpetty pretty cool you know? what am I doing there because I don't knwow hat else I am doing there? It's important, you know? In  other words. mobody has any idea, you know? It looks like it's not working. Unless it's something specific to your phone or something, or maybe rogers just doesn't like me. It is entirely possible, you know? Also, what else is going to happen there? EBcause I don't know waht ithe vicroty cafe is like, really. What am I saying now?ebcause those things are also kind of nice, maybe. Nto sure. What is happening onth that other thing too? because I mean there's like toher fees, you know? is it tha t othere fees are a thing that works on that other thing? also, I need to make sure that I eat things, and make sure that toher things are going to happen  ion that thoer thing, because I seem to be bad at making those words coe out in a way that makes sense. or maybe Ic oudl ujst spend more time just playing around with the words, maybe. I think that would eb pretty good. It's a thing that I woudl like

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