Sunday, December 9, 2012

This is a post about cleaning I think? Also, I wanted to write about programming poorly, but I didn't

okay, so my brain si sort of gone now I think. I'm not sure what that ouit was, but I was doing that thign and then that other thing and then that other other thing, and also I think I'm getting rid of a lot of clothes and also ther's a lot of clothes that I'll never get rid of, but I'll keetp them around anyway because I'm dumb, what am I saying? I don't know, but it's a thing that I'm satung, you know? what was I going to do about that thing, anyway. I feel as though I shoudl be doing tha thing abouttha t other thing, you know?a dn also I could have change my midn about that thing. also, I think I need to figure out a sort of a shelf for between, and also I ned to move all my text books int hat place, and also also, I don't kniow what else? I'm not really sure, to be honest. Adn then, and then there's justlike dumb stuf, like aways. Hush now, I think that for now I'm just not going to do anything of the sort, you know ? Amm I even saying anything? I don't think that I am.. I thought that Iw as going to write a blog post or someithng. Because I'm pretty suire that writing blog posts is important. Well, not really, but you catch my drift. Also, I'm pertty sure that I can start just distilling these posts into things. Well, notthing at all usreful is going tobe there, but you understand my my meanding, meaning, ydon't you? Wlel, okay, so I thnk I need to do it to what? increase my publishing resistance? is that a thing? I'm not sure if it is, but it sort of is./ Anwyays, I was up till like 2:30 sorting through clothes, most of which I have literally enver worm. I dont know why I still have them, but I have them because someone gave them to me and I throw them into the closet and nothing happens to them after that, that's why I still have them. that seems like it's a good strategy of dealing with things, isn't it? also, I rearranged the furniture, or rather, I contieude the process or rearrangingt he furniture because I clearly wasn't done last time. It hink I like it now a lot more, vbecause now everything is very open. never that big wardrobe, which I read in the back, apparently it's actualy a TV cabinet, mit finally makse some fuckin sense why it's so large and unweirdly and useless for everything, anyways, I moved iot away, and wiped off all the duse, so maybe it's less in the way. I'll feel less hemmied ion when I walk in. I mean it's weird that I felt so hemmed in when I walekd in, but you know. Also, ir's weird how I enver wanted to do it boferl. I don't even know what brought this about, but whatever I'm getting a bigger what. I'm gtrying to get greater control voer my surrounddings, I like that fact. and I'm not sure what else is going tob e hapening on that thing,y ou know? And then I coudl also decide that I'm not sure where that other thing is, you know? and I'm not sure wher eI'm goingwuith this either, but I think that once I'm done this I'm sort of done entirely? I don't know. oh, also yesterday, I did that whole... like... trying to program thing, and then I watched a video ont he tutuorial on scrivener, and then Ir ealized that there isn't really mcuh of a point, because it's so amture in comparison to even the design doc, of which I don't even really have one, but anyways I shoudl try fiddling with ti anyway, jhsut becase. Maybe i'll treat it as a journal thing or wsomething, I don't know. But ti's a thing. which... you know. YHeah.

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