Monday, December 10, 2012

I don't know what I was talking about, I wasn't really paying attention to my brain, okay?

anyways, I honestly have no clue whatsoever I'm going to be doing on that thing, you know? Uhm.. what am I doing? what did I do yesterday?  yesterday I wasted a lot fo time trying to figure out what exactly is wrong with the charging on the hp touchpad, which... uhhh yeah. I thought it was working at some point, but it actually wasn't? Maybe I should've let it run all the way throuhg Anyways, installing android stuff and I like it a lot, but it's not liek.. ma I goingt obe using it? so I don't know what I'm saying about that, you know? I dont' even know what's hapepning over ther, you know? and then there's lkea a few more things that I need to decide if ti works, you know? aplsu also, I think I'm tired with ios stuff, you know what I'm saying? Is jhoudl decide if that other thing is goigng ot be important ont hat thing,y ou catch my meaning? I mean I'm fine with dialy type things, but I'm not sure if I could do that thoer thing, you know wha I'm going to be saying? and then there's liie,... other stuff. Also, I need to get rid of that toher thin, you know? and then there's a few other gthings that I coudl change int' that thoher thing, am I really saying anything at all? because otherwise there's likea  few other worrisome things that I could stop worryign about? am I even saying anything at all? and I only need to see what's hapepning on tha other thing, and then fi I've got that thing sort of maing sense ont hat other thing, then I'm nto even really paying attentiont ot he things that I say anymoere? maybe? I couldn't even really know about those things, really. If I've got those things makign sense, then I mean there's like. IOkay, so what am I saying about that thing>? because  I honestly don't know what is happening on that thing,y ou know? it's about keeping those thinsg, you know? it's like maybe that there's a few other things,y ou know whatI'm saying?and wekk.. tap and send is nice/ maybe? I don't qutie know. It's not always the best way of figuring at that other thing, you knw?  opkay so what do I need to figure/ because I really sort of not always figuer thosre thigs, and then if I've got that other thing, Ic oudla lways decide that the best way of making those things happening on that tother thing, you know? and then there's like google goggles and all that okay so if Iv'e got like a few of those orther things/ maybe/ I don't really know what is happening on that other thing, which just about makes sense ont hat other thing, you know I don't really know what is ahppening over tere, you know? anyways, if I've got that thing, then I coudl just make and decide if I see if those thinsg are ghoing to work on that? and then  and well if I mean I just need to see if those things are going to make any kidnsof sese, you know? and well, I. I'm just sort of rambling now arne't I? because Id on't think that I'm saying anythingat all? mauybe? and once I've got that, then there's like... stuff. IO thought that there were going to be like WORDS? or something. UI maen ebcause I don't remember what I was dreaming about. I think I had like sort of an idea before, but you know. A thing. Also, I coudl see if any of those other thigns are making sense ton ayeone other than myself. Or maybe I coudl see if othse other other things are going to be makign sense to anyone other than me, youn know? constantly rerendering things, you know what I'm saying? timers and stuff liek that. You know? and if I've got thoese other things, that are happening on that, you know what is happening and there's a few other things like that other tghing and I don't even really know what is happening over there, you know? and if I've got that? I don't even see what is happening over there, which is nice? I guess? am I even making any sense? I don't think that I am, which is kind of annoying to everyone, even me. Aslo, I need to brush my teeth, Ig uess. What about other things? also, I didn't do the test. I should have done that? maybe? I don't really know.

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