Monday, December 24, 2012

Okay, so I just need to write things down in a consistent and coherent manner, right? So what's happening today What happened yesterday? Well, today is christmas eve, andyesterday I... uhh.. slept. Like th wwhole day away. also, I went on reddit. Whchih isn't really that great I guess. I need to turn that off again. I mean I turned it on in the router and like immediately,t he nexct day was completely off. Though I really want to pay attentiont o listen tot his, but okay. I can just grab the playolsit adn figure things out fromt here, yeah? yyeah. Okay so what is ging to happen on that thing/ because I really need to decide how hings are going to happen then, you know? and if I hate if I have that thing working, uhh.. yeah. Also, I need to put up the calendear, you know? and if I have that calendar put up then, okay, so I mean it wouldn't realy solve that much, but at the very least it would eba  visual reminder that I need to do that thing, you know? which is a pretty good reminder, I think. I mean, there's like a few other things I could figure out, but for now, that's a thing. anyways, lying isn't going to solve anythiong at all? Is it? SO I also need to make sure that .. yeah, since I skipped yestyerday, I need to not be a sucha  total asshoel and ly to nobdy for the sake of... well nothing. for the sake of keeping the chain up, which is kind of fucked up isn't it/ Okay what else do I need to do? Because there's always a few more whatever things that I need to do, right? also, I need to start editing things or something. I don't really know 100% for sure, but It hink that needs to be added to it. And really, I meana  full year is just six pages right? that's not that much, is it? And if I  okay so what s going to happen there? because I maen there's other stuff Ic ould try to figure out, isn't there? if I have those things figured out, then I eman theres' not a lot else that I could be oing, you know? also I really like turkey. I guess there's that. And then if I have those things figured out... I mean it's weird to think about, people with their families. It shouldn't be that odd, but like. i mean now that I'm on twitter Ica n sort of see what is goingg ot I mean Ic an sort of see what is happening with people on the internet at random times, you knwo? Not random times, but times where I wouldn't otherwise know what they're thinking. Not that theiy're always honest, but it's a heck of a lot closer than what I used to know, which is pretty good, isn 't it? So what else should I fgirue out. i mean two days ago I went to garmima's party thing, btu I'm not sure entrely what It hink about tht. It's ofdd. It might be somethnig that I mean, it might be something tha I've completely got messed up or it might it might not be, you know ?I mean' there's nota  whoel mass of things tha tI need to worry about, you know? And I should also get more sued to putting EVERYTHING AWAYS. i MEAN IT IS sort of an offhanded effort, but still, you know?

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