Thursday, December 13, 2012

one big paragraph of sucky writing

okay, a few little quick little somethings that I think I can remember about my dream, a thing that I can barely even remember because of a thing which... okay.  arriana huffington, twitter and kate. that's basicaly it. that being done, I can't recall a single other thing about my dream. And I blame it on my laptop being turned off, which I relaize idss kind fo a lame excuse, but oh well. what am I going to write about? I mean, I wrote a little bit about somethng. I woke up, and puppy was being adorable, which si nice. And that's pretty mcuh it. I can't recall a single other thing that maybe could have happened and was even sort of interesting, which In't all that great I guess. what the heck tere.ce You're weird, stop being so mseeed up, okay? no, it's not ookay, bnut  it's a thing that is a weird winth about my anyway, so 'm just going to see that thing, you know. SO also, I need to edit that thing. And if that thing is eidted, I mean sleeping and cuddlign is nice and also I think I can make things work, you know? also, I am verty very tired. Also, everyone should stfu. what else? I have no idea what else. But there are other thing, I think /. THere are always other things, yo know what I mean? I can't really think of anything, so for now I'll just write aboujt dujbm stupid storesiw hich will take up 10 minutes for me to write down and won't really do aynthing for anyone, dig? there wonce was this man from nantucket, who something somerthing something fuck it. there's a few other things that can happen on here, but uhh... sections, I think. There's a way to split ti all up into sections or soemthing. i don't know. And also I need to see if there are going to be arrays of things inside of the database, and then I could turn it into a few other interesting little droplets of things, which... uhh... iokay. Editing.And also decing that makine a thing which sin't attached to anything at all, I mean there's always going to be more things that I coudl always turn into that first thing, you know? Also, io need to look up how to read things, which whould be important.  And take that whole thing, and load it into memory, and then from there decied how the rest of it is going to work, you know ? does that make any sense? ebcause that's a thing which doesn't really amtter to anybody except for me, mabye.Or maybe it's a thing which  won't really make sense to anyone but me. Oh well. what am I going to do on that hthing? because it's not really a big deal otherwise, for anyone except for me, you know? If this is just going to be me jut rambling forever and rbains storming thigs, but enver going anywehre with te app, I'm just going to be running in place, and that's basically pointless, isn't it? right? okay so what now? I need a shower. And then what?  I'm nto sure what else, but I'm hungry. Oh well. I'm sort of out of things that I want

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