Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Thoguh onhestly, what is happening ? Today is wednesdayt he 26th, and UI'm going to start off all of ym posts like this. However, Is till don't have anythign to talk about, so I'm just going to iunno, sleep or soemthing. Seriously, I spent like all of yesterday sleeping and playign video games. Also, ate turkey andw atched doctor who, which is pretty good. What else couldI be doing? I mean, there's like  I could decide to tidy up this room some more, but I don't think ti'll really help. Ic ould decide to start... uhm.. doing something else, maybe. Id ont' know. There's like a few other things I could turn into a big deal, but I cam't think of anything. This rroom is very large.Okay, what else can I be doing? Because I can't really think of aynthing. I can get rid of that cardboard box, Ic an like... Iunno. Tidy up that fdrawrer some more. Ic an actualyl do a productive thing, even if Ic an'tt think of anything that Iac n do to be more productive. I can throw out all those things tha I know aren't helping with my life. I mean those two cardboard bosxes. What are they even doing? I don't know. They arne't doing tanythiomng. Also, I shoudl stop cracking my knuckles. Also, I should od my p[ushups. also, I should puick out a thing to do ont he programming side of it and just do uit .Aslo, I should figure out stuff IO can do with my life and just do THAT. Also, I should block reddit. like seriously, I turned it on and like entire life gone, boom. There, done. ONo trouble at all. What else can I do, I need to bring down all those dishes. and I need to to move that other thing, maybe. And I need to decide how to make that thign work. And I don't know what I'm talking abotu wghen I sayt his. Also, I need to check that toher thing.  Okay, so what else do I need to do?
okay Okay, I've done that. What else do I need tod o. I ened to tidy up those dishes, abd I need to see if that toher thig is happening. What do I mean by that other thing? I honestly have no idea. whee, sin't this fun? It seems fun. Okay great I got the todo list thing to work

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