Friday, December 21, 2012

Okay so what is going to happen onthat thing? becuase I woudl really need to see waht si goignt o ahppen ont hat hing,y ou know? because I don't really see hwo often do you see those thinsg, ou know? I mean otherwise there' s going to be like dumb things, like that, you know? does it amke any sense at all? because I erally don't see it, ever working, at all, period. Does that make any sense whatsoever? bceuase if I don't figure any of those things out, I'm not going to see things that will happen, you know? So I mean there's no information on tweets and things, you know? Because I really don't see anything like that, you know? because I woudln't really see what's going to happen on that hting, you know? ebcause I'm really neer going to see any of those things, like important thingies that will add up to a wgahwta
a whatever. I'm jsut going to see what is going to happen then and there,, you know? If I see all those other things, you know? How much email do I do? because it'll never be important yuo know? Right? RTight. Okay so what is happening then and there, you know? And iI mean there arne't enough like words and vomitty type stuff, you know? because I really need to get more used to writing things down like thatOkay so what I really need to get  is a thingy, you know? there's like a few more whatever thingies that could happen you know? What is happening then and there? ebcause to see things like that...I mean there's like whatever things And once I've got there things like that, you know? thee's like tweets and things, you know? I mean here's a fwe more thinsg that could happen there, you kow/ I'm pretty sure the first few tweets that I've got are like tweets and things, you know? What is happening like that? there's like other things liek that, and if I have things like that. what else is going to see what is happening there? because i'm sort of running out of words and things like that. And thne there's liek a few more other things when there are like dumb things like that. And if I see hose thoer things like that. And if I see all those things, it'll be If I see what is happening like that you know? and i will see all those dumb things like that. sigh. Okay so what will I see? I really don't know what I'm going to see there and then? And if I have that working, maps is like way higher than that, you know?  IT's enoguh of those, you know? And I don't knwo what else I am going to be saying, because my brain is totalyl totalyl fof right wno, I think. There's like a bunch of dumb things, you knwo?

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