Monday, December 17, 2012

okay so ocne again I have no idea what I'm going to write about. I have no idea what I dreamt about,a dn I don't really know what I'm I was doing yesteryday. Okay maybe if I went through a moment to moment walkthrough of the things hat I did. Uhm. Okay, so lets see. It hink I woke up at about 12ish. Which okay, is a little disgusting I guess And after tha, I uhm. okay I took hugo for a walk? And then I had lunch and then honestly I have no clue, tyhe wntire day just DISAPPPEARED.  At around 6 parents left for something. and at about that poitnn I put together the dominion thingm, which I think took about an hour. then I started watching the hawp stream, adn I went on chat, and I started moving the furniture around again. Uhm. Oh, becoffore 6 I set up the whatsit. I set up the garage door on the car. uh... I spent maybe an hour on  the writing app, looking up the application config stuff, and setting upi the font,. That was all done before 6. And.. hm. It hink that is about it. That is not really all that productive. I looked upt he pomodoro stuff. I guess. What else? bnecause I'm drawring a blank. UI am really bad at keeping track of the things that Id o. I need to be better at that, erally. Look at the thinsg that i do . get a bnetter handle on my time or sometihng. Oaky, so I have all those things down. And also, I'm not wiring especially quickly, what else do I need = to figure? Because I have very little clue what I'm going to do on that.  I hadn't organised anything significant in my room. I haven't done anything nice at all outside of my room. Bleh. Okay, so I guess I'm kin do f useless al round? That's nice. Maybe I am more poductive than ?I think? or mabye I'm just comepletely uselss. I looked up the pomodoro stuff, sometime before 6. Honestly, It's all a bit of a blur. I need to be a heck of a lot better at being attentive and keepign tarck of my time, maybe. What else do i need to fuigre? I think I'm out of things, but I'm still vaguely annoed at myself for not really knowing what Iwas doing with my life. Because I hoenstly have no clue what I think I'm doing with my life, which is somewhat annyoing, and by somewhat, I mean extremely. It's extremely annoying. You know what I'm saying? of cuorse you so, nobody is going to read this but me, and you knwo what 'm probably not even goign to read this, so there

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