Sunday, December 16, 2012

okay then so what was I going to be writing to do? I mean, I don't really remember my dreams, or even if I did, I mean, it's been too long, like an hour since i wok up, so I can't really figure them. yesterday, basicalyl what I did was go to scott and cyn's birthday thing, and then sleep. for ages. like seriously, It hink I slept for around 13 hours. Well, with a few interruptions in between, but still. that is a lot of sleep I'm still feeling extraordinariyl fuzzy. what else could I possibly write about? Okay, so I mean there's a lot fo ways you can read into that, okay? And if there's like thoer things where I mean, there's like random stuffs, which don't really make a lot of sense to anyone other than myself,y ou know ?adnt hen I mean I should get some food to eat and then I should eat somethnig, because I am really raelly freaking hungry. and then what? there's klike what. stuff. I mean there's lik a few other things tha tIc ould turn into this big deal type thing, you know/ There's alwauys a thing, which I mean there's just goignt o be a few other thinsg that I caould turn into a weird explosion type dealio, you know? and then what is goignt o happen from there on? there's just going to be people beign super drepessed,y ou know? and then there's like stuff.  and then ther's like whatever. I don't even. what's going to happen from now on/ i mean, I could just get food to eat or something. Id on't kn ow. anyways, there's like a few other things that I can turn into that first thing,y ou know?  hiow am I going to do this? I mean, I'm basically out. kaput. Id on't know what is going toh appen from now on with anything at all,y ou know? Is that right? It's definitely not, but whatever, ti's still a thing that I mean i..

how was I going to do this again? I was planning on putting everything into a single thingy. R sometihng. Iw as giong to fill out one of those little thingies with something. Id on't know what. and then Iw as going to dump everything into that toher thing,y ou know? and then what? What am I goign to do on that other thing, you know ?and thne there's like... thingies. And weird explosions and then me running out of things to say adn then me deciding how things are going to work ont hat hing, you know?\
i mean, so you ask. politely. or something. I don't even know anymore. What was I going to do there? Iwa s going to eat things, or sometihng to that efefft.  or I was going to listen to thnigs, or I was just going to sleep things, off. what is this I dont' even. And then I meann I coudl also see if other things would be making sense, you know/

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