Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I wonder what I should be writing about, for the enftire friggin post

okay then, I should have been doing this 20 minutes ago, but I wasn't, soo... yeah.. what am I even goig to be talking about? i f I I ghad been doing it 20 minutes ago I could have been writing about the fact that apparently my brother has some sort of an infection, or I could be writing about bhow, you know, somehow,  I spent like ALL THE TIME tidiny up in this room yesterady.  and I don't even know what I was diong for like the 10 hour period between 10 and 10 last night, but after that I was being exceptionally neat in here. i coudl be typing about how apparently I'm an idiot and didn't sleep at all, and was instead having this weird twitter conversation about... android./ and.. and... id on't know what else. android and pancakes till 4am. which is ujst great.

seriously, I don't even have the slightest clue what I was doing. awws i reading something intersting? I spent a bucnh of time organising books. was I don't that?n or can I bne talking abotu a dream ro something? like even five minutes ago i had a much better handle on what i was dreaming avbout... which isn't even clse to like 10 minute s ago, which wasn't even close to... like an hour ago. an horu ago is when my alarm first rang.. but isntead i'm lying in bed trying to figure out what iwas riting about because i honestly haven't the slightest clue. does it have

what was my dream even about? somwething to do with cops? with ... with... ugh. jeez. I really need to get into the habit of typing things down throughout the day. yeesh. I wonder if there's a way to do that, automatica hourly re+-miners to do vertain things, or automatic dpg defenses. b ecuase right now hugo is attacking my hands and fingers and keyboard while i'm trying to type, which is super super annoying. because i still have no idea what i'm giong to write about today.

OH. I watched pitch perfect. that's a thing i can write about. it was funny and pretty good as a whole, but right after i saw it I was like what was that plot because there were so many things in that plot which could have been much... neater.  from a writing standpoint. that guy was completely useless and pointless, which I now see as a writing dealio. I mean a holoywood dealio, which I knew that it was the whoel time, but I didn't. Also, it was hilarious the whole time. Also, there was no real antagonist, but there sort of was, which there always is in these teen dramas. There was someoen that you weren't supposed to like, and was sort of an annoying and controlling the whole time, which I sort of get but I also wish there was a better solution to. I mean yeah, there's always going to be problems like that, but really there was a solution. or at least they didn't spend enough time redeeming her. How long was the movie anyway? I hoenstly have nio clue, but ti was close to 2 horus right? still, it was a pretty good two hours

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