Friday, December 14, 2012

uhhh. I don't actually say anything this whole time, I don't think. Blame lack of sleep

okay so I should really get better at htings. At writing things as soon as I get up as opposed to lying in bed like forever. Lying in bed forever is not good fr people, you know? It's really not. And I really shoudl get aroudn to figuring out how that app is going to work, cause getting apps to work is a good thing, like for everyone, right? focuys is difficult when runnig on no sleep isn't it? anyways, stuyff. It's weird IF timing fits then timing fits and things end up well, but if timing does not, then timing does not, you know? also, stuff and things dand being tired or whatever, right? okay so what was I thinking? Iw as thinking about sleeping and being tired and wondering and being thinking about being pretty or someingthing ?And if that thing is going to be a whole deal, then, well, tha's just great isn't it/ itn is  so great, I am so tired okay so I shoudl stop alt tabbing over and doing that hing, you know? |if I did that thing,t hen I coudl just be that stupid little thinguy, you know?? and I coudl also figure out other things, that that don't make me just topple into stuff, you know? also, napping,a nd stuff like that. And if I have that other thing, I mean I should keep track of changes in the years too, but you know. Stuff. Changes in theyear. Me being dumb, stuff like that. Or maybe Ic ouldd see if that thing is giongt o be that toher things, you know ?and if I have a dates thing. I should get a weekly calendar thing, you know? and if I have that thoer thing, I eman I coudl see if someone can ghelp me motve that thing up there, which would be good, likely. And if I have that thing moved up there, then I mean ther's like weirder, less frustrating stuff going on, you know what I'm saying ?and if I have those things not being frustracting
frustrating at all, then I mean, it's just anever anything at all you know? I coudl mke sure that it bever bothers anyone at all, you know? and thse's nice I guess. I mean I am a little bit better at something. Okay. I really haven't said anything at all thiS whole time, HAVEN'T I? Okay here's what happend. I cleaned the garage andn went to like an ofar which is an odd friday at runnymede thing that I go to, which is a starbucks thing that I go to, in case I didn't say what that thing was, and I did it.  And then afterwards I went to drew's place and played a bunch of domininon until like 3 o clock, whichw as dumb, because playing dominion until 3 o clock is dumb. you know;/ Also, STARTING dominino at like 12 o clock is dumb. Okay, I should have made sure that it was going to do that thing, which is fine. I mean there's liek a few other things that I coudl turn into that thing,y ou know ?I should look atthe passage of time and decide that it's a good way of making things work on tha thing, you know ?and there's like a whole chain breakingt hing which I like figurein out and looking at or sometihng, maybe. I meabn It's not always there, bt at least it stopps hugo from being really fucking messy all voer, but okay. So hugo tends to kill stuffed animals. Like he claims them until theri his, so there's this little green triceratops that used to be my brother's and now it's cutted. He took it's threat and cut it into little pieces, and also I shoudl edit or something. I don't know. IT's a thingy,y ou know? i needn\
I need he literally tore out its throat and is ripping out the stuffing. Gruesome, mauybe not in life but inthought, you knwo He's got hunting instincts

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