Thursday, December 27, 2012

Okay today is december the 27th, thursday, and I think that I'm sort of... not really sure what I'm doing. I'm really hungry though, and also i think I did enough excercise, but I still need to do my squats anyways. There wasa fuckton of snow, and I shoveled it, which, is what I'm calling m excercise? Afterwards, I took hugo for a wlk. Also, yesterday was another of those nothing really happened days, though I think those are running out. Hugo is really tied out by his walk and his plyingin the snow though, So... you know... I think it takes a lot more energy for him to wander around, being so short and all. What else can I talk about? Can I jsut ramble on about nothingm like always, not even do the complete sentences thing?Beauase that seems to be what is happening now. I guess my life isn't all that exciting, I can't even fill up 750 words a day. Oh, right, also yesterday I called zoey, which is weird. WE talked about... nothing. I guess.a whole lot of nothing, it looks like. I mean, I can keep going I guess... I man we talked about lord of the rigns I guesS?I'm not very good at keeping conversations going, maybe I should practice doing that. But I don't relaly know how I guess? I'm just sort of bad at it. I mean, I guess the wayt o practice it is to make sure tha tI'm paing attention to all the words I'm putting own, but another problem is that I'm never really sure what topic to talk about. You know what I eman? Okay, I am terribly terribly hungry. So you know what I'm going to do after this? I'm going to do the squat thing. BUT AFTER THAT, that's when I'm going to eat lunch. Or breakfast. THings have had a sort of an odd definition latley, but I've also been trying to give thme more definition, you know? okay what else do I need to figure out?  okay, so I sitll have what? two minutes lef tof othis? But I'm really struggling on figuring out what to say. I mean I could talk about how I didn't really have lunch yesterday, just a bunch of cookies, and dinner I had liek at 8, which was a steak and rice and stuff, which I should really bring down soon, you know?

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